deal1 / dēl/ • v. (past and past part. dealt / delt/ ) 1. [tr.] distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round. ∎ (deal someone in) include a new player in a card game by giving them cards. ∎ distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group.2. [intr.] take part in commercial trading of a particular commodity: directors were prohibited from dealing in the company's shares. ∎ fig. be concerned with: a movie that deals in ideas and issues. ∎ inf. buy and sell illegal drugs. [tr.] Frankie started dealing cocaine. 3. [intr.] (deal with) take measures concerning (someone or something), esp. with the intention of putting something right: the government had been unable to deal with the economic crisis. ∎ cope with (a difficult person or situation). ∎ treat (someone) in a particular way: life had dealt harshly with her. ∎ have relations with (a person or organization), esp. in a commercial context. ∎ take or have as a subject; discuss.4. inflict (a blow) on (someone or something): hopes of recovery were dealt another blow.• n. 1. an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit, esp. in a business or political context. ∎ an attractive price on a commodity; a bargain. ∎ a particular form of treatment given or received: working mothers get a bad deal.2. a significant but unspecified amount of something: he lost a great deal of blood.3. [in sing.] the process of distributing the cards to players in a card game. ∎ a player's turn to distribute cards. ∎ the round of play following this. ∎ the set of hands dealt to the players.PHRASES: a big deal inf. a thing considered important: they don't make a big deal out of minor irritations. ∎ an important person; a celebrity. ∎ (big deal) used to express one's contempt for something regarded as impressive or important by another person.a raw (or rough) deal inf. a situation in which someone receives unfair or harsh treatment.a good (or great) deal a large amount: I don't know a great deal about politics. ∎ to a considerable extent.cut a deal inf. make an's a deal inf. used to express one's assent to an agreement.deal2 • n. fir or pine wood, esp. when sawn into planks of a standard size. ∎ a plank of such wood.
deal 1 †part, portion; quantity, amount. OE. dǣl = OS. dēl (Du. deel), (O)HG, teil, Goth. dails :- Gmc. *dailiz, f. *dail-; see DOLE 1.
So deal vb. A. †divide; distribute, bestow among a number OE.; deliver (blows) XIII; B. †take part in XII; have to do with XIII. OE. dǣlan = OS. dēlian, (O)HG. teilen, ON. deila, Goth. dailjan. Hence deal sb. distribution of cards XVII; transaction (orig. U.S.) XIX.
deal 2 plank, board of fir or pine XIV; wood of these XVII. Introduced through the Baltic trade in timber. — MLG., MDu. dele plank, floor, corr. to OHG. dil, dil(l)o, dilla (G. diele), ON. þilja, OE. þille :- Gmc. *þelaz, *þeliz, *þeljōn.