Copyright The Columbia University Press
The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University PressGrasmere
Grasmere, village, Cumbria, NW England, in the Lake District, near Lake Grasmere. Dove Cottage was the home of William Wordsworth from 1799 to 1808; the Wordsworth museum is also there, and the Jerwood Center is nearby. The Wordsworth family and the writer Hartley Coleridge are buried in the churchyard of St. Oswald's. Thomas De Quincey and Samuel Taylor Coleridge also lived in Grasmere.
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.
Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University PressGrasmere
•Grasmere • cashmere
•Emyr, premier
•macadamia, Mesopotamia
•academia, anaemia (US anemia), Bohemia, Euphemia, hypoglycaemia, leukaemia (US leukemia), septicaemia (US septicemia), uraemia
•bulimia, Ymir
•arrhythmia • Vladimir • encomia
•costumier • Windermere
•Hermia, hyperthermia, hypothermia