
views updated May 21 2018

bend / bend/ • v. (past bent / bent/ ) 1. [tr.] shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle: the rising wind bent the long grass. ∎  [intr.] (of something straight) be shaped or forced into a curve or angle: the oar bent as Lance heaved angrily at it. ∎ fig. force or be forced to submit: [tr.] they want to bend me to their will [intr.] a refusal to bend to mob rule. ∎  [intr.] (of a road, river, or path) deviate from a straight line in a specified direction; have a sharply curved course: the road bent left and then right.2. [intr.] (of a person) incline the body downward from the vertical: he bent down and picked her up I bent over my plate. ∎  [tr.] move (a jointed part of the body) to an angled position: extend your left leg and bend your right.3. [tr.] interpret or modify (a rule) to suit oneself or somebody else: we cannot bend the rules, even for Darren.4. [tr.] direct or devote (one's attention or energies) to a task: Eric bent all his efforts to persuading them to donate some blankets. • n. 1. a curve, esp. a sharp one, in a road, river, racecourse, or path.2. a curved or angled part or form of something: making a bend in the wire.3. a kind of knot used to join two ropes, or to tie a rope to another object, e.g. a carrick bend.4. (the bends) decompression sickness, esp. in divers.PHRASES: bend someone's ear inf. talk to someone, esp. with great eagerness or in order to ask a favor: she regularly bent Michael's ear with her problems.bend one's elbow drink alcohol.bend one's (or the) knee fig. submit: a country no longer willing to bend its knee to foreign powers.bend over backwardsee backward.on bended knee (or knees) kneeling, esp. when pleading or showing great respect.around the bend inf. crazy; insane: I'd tell you if you were going around the bend. DERIVATIVES: bend·a·ble adj.bend2 • n. Heraldry an ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one.


views updated May 18 2018

bend1 †ribbon, band OE.; (her.) ordinary formed by two parallel lines XV. OE. bend :- Gmc. *bandjō, f. *band- *bind- BIND; later coinciding with bende — OF. bende (mod. bande) BAND2. Cf. BAND1.


views updated May 17 2018

bend in heraldry, an ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one.
bend sinister a broad diagonal stripe from top right to bottom left of a shield (a supposed sign of bastardy).


views updated Jun 08 2018

bend2 bow, curve. OE. bendan (also ‘bind, fetter’) = MHG. benden, ON. benda :- Gmc. *bandjan, f. *band- BAND1.

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