gi·raffe / jəˈraf/ • n. (pl. same or giraffes) a large African mammal (Giraffa camelopardalis, family Giraffidae) with a very long neck and forelegs, having a coat patterned with brown patches separated by lighter lines. It is the tallest living animal.
giraffe Hoofed, ruminant mammal found in the African savannas; the tallest living mammal. It has a very long neck, a short tufted mane, and two to four skin-covered horns on the head. The legs are long, slender and bony. Their coats are pale brown with red-brown blotches. Height: to 5.5m (18ft). Family Giraffidae; species Giraffa camelopardalis.
giraffe XVII. There are early forms depending on It. giraffa and OF. girafle, and occas. on Arab. zarāfa (ult. source of the word in the Eur. langs.); the present form, hardly established before XVIII, is — F. girafe.