
views updated Jun 11 2018

cock·le1 / ˈkäkəl/ • n. 1. an edible, burrowing bivalve mollusk (genus Cardium, family Cardiidae) with a strong ribbed shell. 2. (also cockleshell) poetic/lit. a small shallow boat.PHRASES: warm the cockles of one's heart give one a comforting feeling of pleasure or contentment.cock·le2 • v. [intr.] (of paper) bulge out in certain places so as to present a wrinkled or creased surface; pucker.


views updated May 21 2018

cockle the ribbed mollusc shell which became the symbol of St James the Great and his shrine of Santiago de Compostela.
cockle-hat a hat with a cockle-shell or scallop-shell in it, worn by pilgrims, especially those travelling to Santiago.


views updated May 17 2018

cockle Bivalve mollusc found in marine waters. Its varicoloured, heart-shaped shell has 20–24 strong, radiating ribs. There are c.200 recognized species, many of which are edible. Average length: 4–8cm (1.5–3in). Class Bivalvia; family Cardiidae; species include Cardium aculeatum.


views updated May 17 2018

cockle 2 edible bivalve mollusc. XIV. — (O)F. coquille shell :- medL. *cochilia — medGr. kokhúlia. pl. of kokhúlion, f. kógkhē CONCH.


views updated May 29 2018

cockle 1 plant growing among corn. OE. coccul, -el, perh. — medL. *cocculus, f. late L. coccus, earlier coccum kermes — Gr. kókkos.


views updated May 18 2018

cockle 3 go into rucks, pucker. XVI. — F. coquiller blister (bread) in cooking, f. coquille shell, etc. (see prec.).

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