
views updated Jun 08 2018

guai·a·cum / ˈgwīəkəm/ • n. an evergreen tree (Guaiacum officinale and G. sanctum, family Zygophyllaceae) of the Caribbean and tropical America, formerly important for its hard, heavy, oily timber but now scarce. Also called lignum vitae. ∎ another term for guaiac.


views updated May 11 2018

Guaiacum (family Zygophyllaceae) A genus of trees some of which yield an extremely hard, dense, oily timber. Lignum vitae comes from G. officinale (and others). This species also yields a medicinal resin, guaiacum. There are 6 species, occurring in the W. Indies and tropical America.


views updated Jun 11 2018

guaiacum tree, wood, and resin of the West Indies. XVI. modL., f. Sp. guayaco, guayacán, of Haitian orig.
Also anglicized guaiac (XVI).

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