Monotrematum sudamericanum

views updated May 14 2018

Monotrematum sudamericanum A Palaeocene ornithorhynchid (Ornithorhynchidae) from Patagonia, Argentina, known so far only by its molar teeth, which closely resemble the distinctive molars of Obdurodon and, to some extent, those of Steropodon and the vestigial ones of Ornithorhynchus. Its presence demonstrates that monotremes, like marsupials, were part of the Gondwana fauna.

Monotrematum sudamericanum

views updated May 08 2018

Monotrematum sudamericanum A Palaeocene platypus from Patagonia, Argentina, known so far only by its molar teeth. Its presence demonstrates that monotremes (Monotremata), like marsupials, were part of the Gondwana fauna.

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