
views updated May 08 2018

stipe A branch of a rhabdosome (graptolite colony, see GRAPTOLITHINA). A stipe or stipes originate(s) from an initial conical cup (sicula). The number of stipes can range from one to as many as 64. Their attitudes also vary. In the primitive condition the stipes hang downwards from the sicula and are said to be ‘pendent’. If they grow out horizontally from the sicula they are ‘horizontal’; if they grow upwards along the nema they are ‘scandent’; if they are straight and grow downwards they are ‘declined’; if they are curved and slope downwards they are ‘deflexed’; if they are straight and grow upwards and outwards they are ‘reclined’; and if they are curved and grow upwards and outwards they are ‘reflexed’.


views updated May 17 2018

stipe In Graptolithina, a branch formed from overlapping thecae.


views updated May 14 2018

1. The stalk that forms the lower portion of the fruiting body of certain fungi, such as mushrooms, and supports the umbrella-shaped cap.

2. The stalk between the holdfast and blade (lamina) of certain brown algae, notably kelps.


views updated May 18 2018

stipe The stalk or stem of a fungal fruit body.


views updated May 18 2018

stipe (bot.) footstalk. XVIII. — F. — L. stīpes log, post, tree trunk.
So stipes XVIII. — L.

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