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Maceió (formerly Macayo), capital of the state of Alagoas, Brazil, with a population of about 922,463 (2005 est.). Founded in 1815 when a small settlement received official recognition, Maceió became the state capital in 1839. On the Atlantic Coast approximately 120 miles south of Recife, the city's port deals mainly in sugar, cotton, and rum. The primarily industrial economy of Maceió encompasses sugar refineries, textile mills, distilleries, chemical factories, and steel, iron, and zinc foundries. The city is famous for a lighthouse built on an eminence in a residential area about a half mile from the ocean, and local beaches are considered among the best in Brazil.

See alsoBrazil, Geographyxml .


Additional Bibliography

Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima M de. O corpo do desejo: Mulheres & imagem corporal no espaço urbano de Maceió. Maceió: EDUFAL, 2002.

Vieira, Maria do Carmo. Daqui só saio pó: Conflitos urbanos e mobilização popular: a Salgema e o Pontal da Barra. Maceió: EDUFAL, 1997.

                                             Cara Shelly

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