Lissa, Zofia
Lissa, Zofia
Lissa, Zofia, distinguished Polish musicologist; b. Lemberg, Oct. 19, 1908; d. Warsaw, March 26, 1980. She studied piano and organ at the Lemberg Cons., and then musicology with Chybinński at the Univ. of Lemberg (1925–29), where she also took courses in philosophy, psychology, and art history (Ph.D., 1930, with the diss. O harmonice Aleksandra Skriabina; publ, in Kwartalnik Muzyczny, II, 1930); subsequently completed her Habilitation at the Univ. of Poznań with her Oistocie komizmu muzycznege (The Essence of Musical Humor; publ, in Kraków, 1938) and later took a second Ph.D. there in 1954 with the diss. Podstawy estetyki muzycznej (Questions of Music Aesthetics; publ, in Warsaw, 1953). She taught at the Lwów Cons. (1931–41); later was reader (1948–51), prof. (1951–57), and director (from 1957) of the musicological inst. of the Univ. of Warsaw. She was a leading proponent of socialist realism as a critical method of musical evaluation.
Zarys nauki o muzyce (A Short Music Textbook; Lwów, 1934; fourth ed., aug., 1966); Muzykologia polska na przelomie (A Turning Point in Polish Musicology; Kraków, 1952); with J. Chomiński, Muzyka polskiego odrodzenia (Music of the Polish Renaissance; Warsaw, 1953; 3rd ed., rev., 1958, in Odrodze-nie w Polsce, V); Historia muzyki rosyjskiej (History of Russian Music; Kraków, 1955); Estetyka muzyki filmowej (Kraków, 1964); Skice z estetyki muzycznej (A Sketch of Musical Aesthetics; Kraków, 1965); Polonica Beethovenowskie (Kraków, 1970); Studia nad twórczościq Fryderyka Chopina (Studies of Frédéric Chopin’s Works; Kraków, 1970).
Studia musicologica aesthetica, theoretica, historica: Z. L. w 70. roku urodzin (Kraków, 1979).
—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire