Mendel, Hermann

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Mendel, Hermann

Mendel, Hermann, German music lexicographer; b. Halle, Aug. 6, 1834; d. Berlin, Oct. 26, 1876. He was a pupil of Mendelssohn and Moscheles in Leipzig, and of Wieprecht in Berlin. In 1870 he founded and ed. the Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung. He also ed. Mode’s Opernbibliothek (about 90 librettos, with commentaries and biographies of composers) and a Volksliederbuch. He publ. 2 small books on Meyerbeer (1868, 1869). His great work was the Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon, which he began to publ, in 1870, but was able to continue only to the letter M. The rest was completed by August Reiss-mann, with the entire ed. running 11 vols. A supplementary vol. was publ, in 1883.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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