phase diagram

views updated May 29 2018

phase diagram A graphical method for examining stability in biological systems (e.g. host-parasite relationships). The system variables (the numbers of host and parasite organisms) at different times are plotted against one another, and the time taken to change is shown by a line connecting the coordinate points for successive time values. The form of the resulting curve indicates the stability of the system. A line spiralling inward indicates damped oscillations favouring ultimate stability; an outward spiral suggests ultimate instability. By testing different values for the number of organisms it is possible to establish limits for stability. The technique has considerable practical relevance in agriculture.

phase diagram

views updated May 14 2018

phase diagram Graphical method for examining stability in biological systems, e.g. host-parasite relationships. The system variables (the numbers of host and parasite organisms) at different times are plotted against one another, and the time taken to change is shown by a line connecting the co-ordinate points for successive time values. The form of the resulting curve indicates the stability of the system. A line spiralling inward indicates damped oscillations favouring ultimate stability; an outward spiral suggests ultimate instability. By testing different values for the number of organisms it is possible to establish limits for stability. The technique has considerable practical relevance in agriculture.

phase diagram

views updated May 18 2018

phase diagram A graphical method for examining stability in biological systems (e.g. host-parasite relationships). The system variables (the numbers of host and parasite organisms) at different times are plotted against one another, and change over time is shown by a line connecting the coordinate points for successive time values. The form of the resulting curve indicates the stability of the system. A line spiralling inward indicates damped oscillations favouring ultimate stability; an outward spiral suggests ultimate instability. By testing different values for the number of organisms, it is possible to establish limits for stability. The technique has considerable practical relevance in agriculture.

phase diagram

views updated May 08 2018

phase diagram Graph to show fields of stability for phases in a heterogeneous system; variables such as temperature, pressure, and concentration are plotted against each other.

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