latch / lach/ • n. a metal bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate. ∎ a spring lock for an outer door that catches when the door is closed and can only be opened from the outside with a key. ∎ Electr. a circuit that retains whatever output state results from a momentary input signal until reset by another signal. ∎ the part of a knitting machine needle that closes or opens to hold or release the wool.• v. [tr.] fasten (a door or gate) with a latch: she latched the door carefully. ∎ [intr.] Electr. (of a device) become fixed in a particular state.PHRASAL VERBS: latch onto inf. attach oneself to (someone) as a constant and usually unwelcome companion: a knack for latching onto people with greater initiative and enterprise. ∎ take up (an idea or trend) enthusiastically: the media have latched onto the snappy “Generation X” catchphrase. ∎ (of one substance) cohere with (another).
A. (dial.) loop, noose;
B. fastening for door or gate. XIV. In sense A prob. var. of LACE (OF. var. lache of laz); in sense B prob. f. (dial.) latch vb. OE. læċċan seize, grasp, perh. rel. to Gr. lázesthai.