rou·tine / roōˈtēn/ • n. a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program: I settled down into a routine of work and sleep | as a matter of routine a report will be sent to the director. ∎ a set sequence in a performance such as a dance or comedy act: he was trying to persuade her to have a tap routine in the play. ∎ Comput. a sequence of instructions for performing a task that forms a program or a distinct part of one.• adj. performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason: the principal insisted that this was just a routine annual drill. ∎ monotonous or tedious: we are set in our dull routine existence.• v. [tr.] rare organize according to a routine: all had been routined with smoothness.DERIVATIVES: rou·tine·ly adv.