
views updated May 29 2018

tem·pest / ˈtempist/ • n. a violent windy storm.PHRASES: a tempest in a teapot great anger or excitement about a trivial matter.


views updated Jun 11 2018

tempest XIII. — OF. tempeste (mod. tempête) and tempest :- Rom. *tempesta and *tempestum, for L. tempestās season, weather, storm, f. tempus time, season.
So tempestuous XVI. — late L. tempestuōsus.


views updated Jun 11 2018


a tumultuous throng; a rushing crowd of people or things, 1746.

Examples : tempest of cheering, 1909; of wild horses, 1866; of sand, 1856; of temptations, 1606; of wind, 1250.

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