
views updated Jun 08 2018

trim / trim/ • v. (trimmed, trim·ming) [tr.] 1. make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts: trim the grass using a sharp mower. ∎  [tr.] cut off (irregular or unwanted parts): he was trimming the fat off some pork chops. ∎ fig. reduce the size, amount, or number of (something, typically expenditure or costs): Congress had to decide which current defense programs should be trimmed. ∎  [intr.] (trim down) (of a person) lose weight; become slimmer: he works on trimming down and eating right. ∎  firm up or lose weight from (a part of one's body).2. (usu. be trimmed) decorate (something), typically with contrasting items or pieces of material: a pair of black leather gloves trimmed with fake fur.3. adjust (sails) to take best advantage of the wind. ∎  adjust the forward and after drafts of (a vessel) by changing the distribution of weight on board, esp. cargo and ballast. ∎  stow (a bulk cargo) properly in a ship’s hold by use of manual labor or machinery. ∎  keep or adjust the degree to which (an aircraft) can be maintained at a constant altitude without any control forces being present. ∎  [intr.] adapt one's views to the prevailing political trends for personal advancement.4. inf., dated get the better of (someone), typically by cheating them out of money.5. inf., dated rebuke (someone) angrily.• n. 1. additional decoration, typically along the edges of something and in contrasting color or material: suede sandals with gold trim | we painted the buildings off-white with a blue trim. ∎  decorative additions to a vehicle, typically the upholstery or interior lining of a car.2. [in sing.] an act of cutting off part of something in order to neaten it: his hair needs a trim. ∎  a short piece of film cut out during the final editing stage.3. the state of being in good order or condition: no one had been there for months—everything was out of trim.4. the degree to which an aircraft can be maintained at a constant altitude without any control forces being present: the pilot's only problem was the need to constantly readjust the trim.5. the difference between a vessel’s forward and after drafts, esp. as it affects its navigability.• adj. (trim·mer, trim·mest ) neat and smart in appearance; in good order: she kept her husband's clothes neat and trim a trim little villa. ∎  (of a person or their body) slim and fit: she has a trim, athletic figure.PHRASES: in trim slim and fit. ∎ Naut. in good order.trim one's sails (to the wind) make changes to suit one's new circumstances.DERIVATIVES: trim·ly adv.trim·ness n.


views updated Jun 08 2018

trim of an array. The array obtained by constraining the subscripts to lie in some specified subrange. For example, the trim of a vector v = (v1 v2v10)

obtained by constraining the index i so that 3←i←7 is the vector (v3 v4 v5 v6 v7)

See also slice.


views updated Jun 27 2018

trim well equipped, esp. neatly made. XVI. Earliest in the adv. trimly; rel. to trim vb., which became widely applied in the first half of XVI, but is of obscure orig., since, though formally it could repr. OE. trymian, trymman strengthen, confirm (f. trum firm, strong), there is no certain connecting evidence between OE. and 1500.
Hence trim sb. trim condition (often of a ship), proper array or equipment. XVI. trimmer (-ER1) one who trims. XVI (spec. in state-craft, between opposing parties XVII).


views updated May 18 2018

1. Frame around an aperture or any architectural feature.

2. To construct such a frame.

3. To fit to anything.

4. Visible timber finish to a building.

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