Heriger of Lobbes

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Ecclesiastical writer; b. Louvain; d. Lobbes, Oct. 31, 1007. Heriger was a monk and scholar at the abbey of lobbes and was made abbot there Dec. 21, 990. He trained wazo, future bishop of Liège, and was a friend and collaborator of Bp. Notker of Liège, a fact that explains his sojourns there.

His literary activity was varied. Sometime before 980, he undertook the writing of history in his Gesta episcoporum Tungrensium, Trajectensium et Leodiensium (Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores. 7:162189) that treated of the history of Liège from the fourth to the seventh centuries. In June 980 at the request of Notker, he wrote S. Landoaldi et sociorum translatio (Patrologia Latina, ed. J. P. Migne, 139:111122) for the monks of St. Bavon of Ghent. Only fragments of a Vitas. Ursmari (Patrologia Latina 139:112528), written in hexameters, remain. His Vita S. Adelini (Patrologia Latina 139:114148) and Vita S. Remacli (Patrologia Latina 139:114768) were both written for Notker. Heriger moved into chronology in his Epistola ad quemdam Hugonem monachum (Patrologia Latina 139:112936), probably done in collaboration with Notker. The Dialogus de dissonantiis ecclesiae de adventu Christi is lost.

Heriger wrote in the field of mathematics with his Regulae numerorum super abacum Gerberti and Regulae Herberti in abacum [N. Bübnov, Gerberti opera mathematicae (Berlin 1899) 205225]. In theology he intervened in the eucharistic controversies raised by ratramnus of corbie, not with the De corpore et sanguine Domini (Patrologia Latina 139:179188), which was written neither by him nor sylvester ii, but through the collection of patristic texts preserved under the title De Herigeri abbatis exaggeratio plurimorum auctorum de corpore et sanguine Domini, in the MS Gaud Univ. 909 f. 115.

Bibliography: m. manitius, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters (Munich 191131) 2:219228. g. kurth, Biographie nationale de Belgique v.9. É. amann, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant et al., (Paris 190350) 11.1:808809. j. warichez, L'Abbaye de Lobbes (Tournai 1909). j. lebon, "Sur la doctrine eucharistique d'Hériger de Lobbes," Studia mediaevalia in honorem R. J. Martin (Bruges 1948) 6184. a. cordoliani, "Abbon de Fleury, Hériger de Lobbes et Gerland de Besançon sur l'ère de l'Incarnation de Denys le Petit," Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique 44.2 (1949) 463487. h. platelle, Catholicisme 5:652653.

[p. glorieux]

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