Manegold of Lautenbach

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Canon regular; teacher and polemical writer on the papal side in the investiture struggle; b. Lautenbach (Alsace), c. 1030; d. Marbach, soon after 1103. At first he was a wandering master in France. He entered the monastery of Lautenbach shortly before 1084, although he had previously been married. He became known as the prefect of the schools in Alsace. Against the Emperor henry iv he wrote Manegoldi ad Gebhardum liber (ed.K. Francke, Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Libelli de lite 1:308340), a violent polemical treatise defending a contractual theory of kingship. His Opusculum contra Wolfelmum Coloniensem (Patrologia Latina 155:147176) warns Christians against the dangers of the study of pagan poets and philosophers. In 1086, he fled from his opponents to the monastery of Raitenbuch (Bavaria); he became dean there, and later, prior of the monastery of marbach in Alsace. After attending the synod of Tours (1096) with Pope urban ii, he was imprisoned by the imperialist party in 1098. Among his numerous writings were commentaries on Scripture, Plato, and Ovid.

Bibliography: f. stegmÜller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi (Madrid 194961) v.3. m. t. stead, "Manegold of Lautenbach," English Historical Review 29 (1914) 115. m. manitius, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters 3:2528, 175180. f. chÂtillon, "Recherches critiques sur les différents personnages nommés Manegold," Revue du moyen -âge latin 9 (1953) 153170. t. gregory, Platonismo medievale (Rome 1958). j. gross, "Die Erbsündenlehre Manegolds von Lautenbach nach seinem Psalmen-Kommentar," Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschicte 71 (1960) 252261.

[f. courtney]

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