Parapsychology Foundation

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Parapsychology Foundation

Frances P. Bolton Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Eileen J. Garrett Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Charles T. and Judith A. Tart Student Incentive Awards (Graduate, Postdoctorate, Undergraduate/Grant)

PO Box 1562
New York, NY 10021
Ph: (212)628-1550
Fax: (212)628-1559
E-mail: [email protected]

Frances P. Bolton Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support a dissertation/thesis dealing with some aspect of parapsychological phenomena. Focus: Psychology. Qualif.: Program is open to doctorate students in good standing; must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited school/university; must demonstrate interest in parapsychology; must be working on a dissertation or thesis related with some aspect of psychological phenomena; and must be members of the foundation. Criteria: Selection is done on the basis of academic achievement, community involvement, work experience and recommendations.

Funds Avail.: $3,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form together with letters of recommendation and a copy of the doctoral dissertation/thesis. Deadline: February 15.

Eileen J. Garrett Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote education in the field of psychology while stimulating interest in the field of Parapsychology.

Focus: Psychology. Qualif.: Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited school or university; must be pursuing academic study in parapsychology; and must be members of the foundation. Criteria: Awards are given based on academic record, personal promise, character and financial need. Selection of recipients is made by the colleges in accordance with their established procedures.

Funds Avail.: $3,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants must submit an application form together with letters of reference from individuals familiar with the applicant's work or studies in parapsychology. Deadline: July 15.

Charles T. and Judith A. Tart Student Incentive Awards (Graduate, Postdoctorate, Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support a research that deals directly with some aspect of parapsychology. Focus: Psychology. Qualif.: Applicants must be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate students seeking either psychology course or any related field; must be enrolled full-time in an accredited school or university; and must have a great interest in parapsychology. Criteria: Priority is given to students with financial need.

Funds Avail.: $500. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants must submit an application form together with letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant's work and studies; a project description (maximum of 2 pages); and a one-page statement of budget needed for the research. Deadline: October 15.

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