
views updated May 23 2018

oc·cu·pa·tion / ˌäkyəˈpāshən/ • n. 1. a job or profession: his prime occupation was as editor. ∎  a way of spending time: a game of cards is a pretty harmless occupation.2. the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force: the Roman occupation of Britain crimes committed during the Nazi occupation. ∎  the action of entering and taking control of a building: the workers remained in occupation until October 16.3. the action or fact of living in or using a building or other place: a property suitable for occupation by older people.


views updated May 17 2018

occupation An economic role separated from household activity as a result of the growth of markets for labour. Such roles form part of a wider economic division of labour in an industrial enterprise, formal organization, or socio-economic structure. See also LABOUR-MARKET; OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION; OCCUPATIONAL SEGREGATION.

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