re·cruit / riˈkroōt/ • v. [tr.] enlist (someone) in the armed forces: they recruit their toughest soldiers from the desert tribes | [intr.] the regiment was still actively recruiting. ∎ form (an army or other force) by enlisting new people: a basis for recruiting an army. ∎ enroll (someone) as a member or worker in an organization or as a supporter of a cause: there are plans to recruit more staff later this year. ∎ [tr.] inf. persuade (someone) to do or assist in doing something: she recruited her children to help run the racket.• n. a person newly enlisted in the armed forces and not yet fully trained: 3,000 army recruits at Ft. Benjamin. ∎ a new member of an organization or a new supporter of a cause: after agreeing on a salary, the new recruit failed to turn up on Monday morning.DERIVATIVES: re·cruit·a·ble·cruit·er n.
So recruit vb. reinforce; replenish; enlist new soldiers; recover health or vigour XVII; enlist (men) XIX. — F. recruter.