
views updated May 08 2018


Like aunt, uncle is not a universal kinship term. In Hawaii, for example, there is no uncle term because mothers' and fathers' brothers are included in the same category as father (Keesing 1975). Generally, however, uncle refers to a mother's brother, a father's brother, or the husband of one's aunt. In English-speaking countries, all of these relatives are lumped together under one term, uncle. Neither English nor French distinguishes between the father's sister's husband (a relative by marriage) and the father's brother (a blood relative). Both are uncles (Segalen 1986).

In contrast, the kinship terminology in many non-English-speaking Western societies distinguishes between consanguineal (biological) and affinal (marital) uncles. In Denmark and Norway, for example, morbror refers to a mother's brother (and usually also to the husband of the mother's sister) while farbror refers to the father's brother (as well as the husband of the father's sister). Although affinal ties can be broken (as through divorce), consanguineal ties are rarely severed.

In many nonindustrial societies, maternal and paternal uncles typically play a critical kinship role. In patrilineal kinship systems—like China and Korea—where descent and inheritance are vested in males, the father's oldest brother has the authority and responsibility to make decisions affecting the household during the father's absence or after his death (Choi 2000; Lee 1997). In other patrilineal societies, such as the Tswana in Africa, a mother's brother must be consulted in all matters affecting his sister's children. He helps with food, clothes, and other gifts at all their rites of passage; acts as mediator when disputes arise between father and son; and has veto power when the children's marriages are arranged (Schapera 1950).

In matrilineal systems, the men belong to their mother's social group. Although the father begets children, the mother's brother plays an important role in everyday activities. Among some North American Indian tribes (such as the Hopi, Sho-shone, and Iroquois) and the Trobriand Islanders of Melanesia, there is a strong bond between brothers and sisters because the children of the sisters are the men's heirs and successors. If, especially, there is a good deal of personal wealth, the mother's brother's power over his maternal nephews is likely to be quite strong (Fox 1967; Weiner 1988). In other matrilineal systems, such as the Ashanti and Bantu in central Africa, the mother's brother has a variety of rights and responsibilities: correcting and otherwise disciplining his sisters' children; helping his maternal nephews by paying for their schooling, setting them up in business, or giving them headships; intervening in the selection of a marital partner; and demanding financial assistance, when necessary (Fortes 1950; Richards 1950).

See also:Aunt; Cousins; Kinship; Sibling Relationships


choi, s. h. (2000). "land is thicker than blood: revisiting'kinship paternalism' in a peasant village in southkorea." journal of anthropological research 56:349–363.

fortes, m. (1950). "kinship and marriage among theashanti." in african systems of kinship and marriage, ed. a. r. radcliffe-brown and d. forde. new york: oxford university press.

fox, r. (1967). kinship and marriage: an anthropologicalperspective. harmondsworth, uk: penguin books.

keesing, r. (1975). kin groups and social structure. newyork: holt, rinehart, and winston.

richards, a. i. (1950). "some types of family structure amongst the central bantu." in african systems of kinship and marriage, ed. a. r. radcliffe-brown and d. forde. new york: oxford university press.

schapera, i. (1950). "kinship and marriage among thetswana." in african systems of kinship and marriage, ed. a. r. radcliffe-brown and d. forde. new york: oxford university press.

segalen, m. (1986). historical anthropology of the family.new york: cambridge university press.

weiner, a. b. (1988). the trobrianders of papua newguinea. new york: holt, rinehart, and winston.

other resources

lee, g. y. (1997). "hmong world view and social structure." in lao study review. available at http://www. global.lao.net.



views updated Jun 27 2018

uncle the brother of one's father or mother or the husband of one's aunt; the word comes (in Middle English, via Old French) from a late Latin alteration of Latin avunculus ‘maternal uncle’.

From the mid 18th century, uncle has been used as an informal name for a pawnbroker, perhaps as a humorous reference to the relationship implied by the pawnbroker's taking charge of a person's possessions.
Uncle Joe the British wartime nickname for Joseph Stalin (1879–1953) as the personification of Soviet Russia; the name is first recorded in a comment made by Winston Churchill to Franklin Roosevelt in 1943.
Uncle Remus the elderly slave who is the narrator of Joel Chandler Harris's Brer Rabbit stories; the first book in the series (published 1880) was entitled Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings; the folk-lore of the old plantation.
Uncle Sam a personification of the federal government or citizens of the US. Recorded from the early 19th century, it is said (from the time of the first recorded instances) to have arisen as a facetious expansion of the letters US.
Uncle Tom a black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile, from the name of the hero of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852). The book was seen at the time as dramatizing the question of abolition.

See also Dutch uncle.


views updated May 29 2018

un·cle / ˈəngkəl/ • n. the brother of one's father or mother or the husband of one's aunt. ∎ inf. an unrelated older male friend, esp. of a child. ∎ archaic inf. a pawnbroker.PHRASES: cry (or say) uncle inf. surrender or admit defeat.ORIGIN: Middle English: from Old French oncle, from late Latin aunculus, alteration of Latin avunculus ‘maternal uncle’ (see avuncular).


views updated May 21 2018

uncle XIII. — AN. uncle, (O)F. oncle :- late L. aunculus uncle, for earlier avunculus maternal uncle, dim. (see next) of *awon-, var. of the base of L. avus grandfather (:- *awos).


views updated Jun 11 2018

UNCLE (ˈʌŋkəl) United Network Command for Law Enforcement (fictional organization in TV series ‘The Man from UNCLE’)

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