November ★★★ 2005 (R)
A young man (Le Gros) enters an L.A. convenience store to buy ice cream for his girlfriend Sophie (Cox) who is waiting in the car, but unwittingly walks into a holdup and is shot dead. The fateful date is replayed in three sections, “Denial,” “Despair,” and “Acceptance,” each offering clues to what's behind the actual event, as Sophie begins to question her grip on her life and reality. Answers are beside the point in this psychological thriller—it's all about the quest. Fine acting by all and mindfully filmed. 73m/C DVD . US Courteney Cox, James LeGros, Nora Dunn, Anne Archer, Michael Ealy, Nick Offer-man, Matthew Carey; D: Greg Harrison; W: Benjamin Brand; C: Nancy Schreiber; M: Lew Baldwin.
No·vem·ber / nōˈvembər; nə-/ • n. 1. the eleventh month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of autumn: the store opened in November | [as adj.] November days. 2. a code word representing the letter N, used in radio communication.
November is used allusively with reference to the short, damp, cold, or foggy days regarded as characteristic of the northern hemisphere.