Moorhead, John (Anthony)

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MOORHEAD, John (Anthony)

MOORHEAD, John (Anthony). Australian, b. 1948. Genres: History. Career: University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, tutor in history, 1975; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, lecturer, 1976-82, senior lecturer in history, 1983-93, reader in History, 1994-99, McCaughey Professor of History, 2000-. University of Edinburgh, fellow of Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, 1987; Cambridge University, fellow of Clare Hall, 1990; Australian Academy of the Humanities, fellow, 2003. Early Medieval History, corresponding editor, 1992-. Publications: Victor of Vita: A History of the Vandal Persecution, 1992; (with R. Cusimano) Suger: The Deeds of Louis the Fat, 1992; Theoderic in Italy, 1993; Justinian, 1994; Ambrose, 1999; The Roman Empire Divided, 2001. Contributor to history journals. Address: School of History, Philosophy, Religion & Classics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia.

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