Clemens, Walter C., Jr.

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CLEMENS, Walter C., Jr.

CLEMENS, Walter C., Jr. American, b. 1933. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: Professor of Political Science, Boston University, 1966.-Adjunct Research Fellow, Harvard Center for Science and International Affairs, 1986-. Chairman, Language Dept., Iolani School, Honolulu, HI, 1960-61; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1961-63, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 1963-66; Associate, Russian Research Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1963-. Publications: (comp.) Soviet Disarmament Policy, 1917-1963, 1965; (ed.) World Perspectives on International Politics, 1965; (ed.) Toward a Strategy of Peace, 1965; (with L. Bloomfield and F. Griffiths) Khrushchev and the Arms Race, 1966; Outer Space and Arms Control, 1966; The Arms Race and Sino-Soviet Relations, 1968; Die Tschechoslowakei unter Husak, 1970; (with others) The Soviet Union and Arms Control: A Superpower Dilemma, 1970; The Superpowers and Arms Control, 1973; The USSR and Global Interdependence, 1978; National Security and U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1981; Can Russia Change?, 1990; Baltic Independence and Russian Empire, 1991; Dynamics of International Relations: Conflict and Mutual Gain in an Era of Global Interdependence, 1998, 2nd ed., 2004; America and the World, 1898-2025: Achievements, Failures, Alternative Futures, 2000; The Baltic Transformed: Complexity Theory and European Security, 2001. Address: Dept of Political Science, Boston University, 232 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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