Calder, Angus

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CALDER, Angus. Scottish, b. 1942. Genres: Poetry, History, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Nairobi, Lecturer in Literature, 1968-71; Open University in Scotland, Reader in Literature and Cultural Studies and Staff Tutor, 1979-93. Publications: (with J. Calder) Scott, 1969; The People's War: Britain 1939-1945, 1969; Russia Discovered: Nineteenth Century Fiction from Pushkin to Chekhov, 1976; Revolutionary Empire, 1981; T.S. Eliot, 1987; Byron, 1987; The Myth of the Blitz, 1991; Revolving Culture: Notes from the Scottish Republic, 1994; Waking in Waikato (poems), 1997; Horace in Tolleross (poems), 2000; Scotlands of the Mind, 2002; Colours of Grief (poems), 2002; Dipa's Bowl (poems), 2003. EDITOR: Dickens: Great Expectations, 1965; (with A. Gurr) Writers in East Africa, 1974; Scott: Old Mortality, 1975; (co) Speak for Yourself, 1984; (co) Burns: Selected Poems, 1992; (co) H. MacDiarmid, The Rauchle Tongue, Hitherto Uncollected Prose, 3 vols., 1996-98; (co) Time to Kill: The Soldier's Experience of War in the West 1939-45, 1997; R.L. Stevenson, Selected poems, 1998; Waugh: Sword of Honour, 1999; Wars (anthology), 1999. Address: 15 Spittal St, Edinburgh EH3 9DY, Scotland.

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