Kiss of the Vampire

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Kiss of the Vampire ★★½ Kiss of Evil 1962

Newlywed couple is stranded in Bavaria near a villa of vampires and are invited in by its charmingly evil owner. Fortunately, hubby manages to escape and finds a knowledgeable professor who unleashes a horde of bats to rout the bloodsuckers. Properly creepy; producer Hinds used the pseudonym John Elder for his screenplay. 88m/C VHS, DVD . GB Clifford Evans, Noel Willman, Edward De Souza, Jennifer Daniel, Barry Warren, Jacqueline Wallis, Peter Madden, Isobel Black, Vera Cook, Olga Dickie; D: Don Sharp; W: John (Anthony Hinds) Elder; C: Alan Hume; M: James Bernard.

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