Kowalke, Kim H.

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KOWALKE, Kim H. American, b. 1948. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Music, Theatre. Career: Neighborhood Music School, New Haven, CT, orchestra teacher, 1973-75; Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, assistant professor, 1977-82, associate professor of music, 1982-86; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, professor of music and chairman of music program, 1986-. Conductor, bassoonist, and pianist; conductor, 102nd National Guard Band, 1971-77; musical director, Yale Dramat and Yale Cabaret, 1973-74; conductor, Greater New Haven Youth Symphony, 1973-75; principal conductor, College Light Opera Company, Falmouth, MA, 1974, 1975, 1977, and 1979; conductor, Occidental Faculty Players and Collegiate Symphony Orchestra of Occidental College and California Institute of Technology, 1977-83. Principal commentator, "Kurt Weill and His Worlds," a series on National Public Radio Network, 1982. President of board of trustees, Kurt Weill Foundation for Music, 1981-. Publications: Kurt Weill in Europe, 1979; Speak Low (The Letters of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya), 1996. SCREENPLAYS: A Stranger Here Myself: Kurt Weill in American; Lenya: An Invention. Contributor to periodicals. EDITOR: A New Orpheus: Essays on Kurt Weill, 1986; A Stranger Here Myself: Kurt Weill Studien, 1993. Address: Music Program, 207 Todd, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, U.S.A.

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