Lassie 2005

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Lassie ★★½ 2005 (PG)

Lassie goes back to her British roots (based on Eric Knight's 1938 novel) in this sentimental adventure. Young Joe (Mason) is heartbroken when Lassie must be sold because his miner father has lost his job. Lassie's new owner, the Duke of Rudling (O'Toole), has bought the photogenic collie for his granddaughter Cilla (Odgers), and both dog and girl are soon sent up to Scotland. Lassie's having none of it and escapes to start a 500-mile trek back to Yorkshire, surviving a number of trials along the way. Sweet yet realistic, with great performances throughout. 100m/C DVD . US GB IR FR Peter O'Toole, Samantha Morton, John Lynch, Peter Dinklage, Jonathan Mason, Steve Pemberton, Jemma Redgrave, Edward Fox, John Standing, Kelly Macdonald, Robert Hardy, Hester Odgers; D: Charles Sturridge; W: Charles Sturridge; C: Howard Atherton; M: Adrian Johnston.