Miracle at Sage Creek

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Miracle at Sage Creek ★★½ 2005 (PG)

Uplifting drama begins in 1888 Wyoming. Crusty rancher Ike (Carradine) is still enraged by the murder of his wife by a Sioux war party 10 years earlier. This turns him against his neighbor John (A-bell), whose wife Sunny (Bedard) is Sioux, although she and Ike's married daughter Mary (Aldrich) are close friends. Ike tries to take their ranch until a tragedy and a Christmas miracle occur. 85m/C DVD . David Carradine, Tim Abell, Irene Bedard, Wes Studi, Sarah Aldrich, Daniel Quinn, Fred Griffith; D: James Intveld; W: Thadd Turner; C: Virgil Harper; M: James Intveld. VIDEO