Piper, Adrian (Margaret Smith)

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PIPER, Adrian (Margaret Smith)

PIPER, Adrian (Margaret Smith). American, b. 1948. Genres: Art/Art history, Philosophy. Career: Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, professor of philosophy, 1990-. Also taught at University of Michigan, Stanford University, Georgetown University, and University of California, San Diego; Monash University, Ian Burn Memorial Lecturer, 1996; guest lecturer at museums and educational institutions. Artist, with work represented in solo exhibitions in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Performance artist, 1968-88. Publications: Here and Now, 1968; Talking to Myself: The Ongoing Autobiography of an Art Object (in English and Italian), 1975; Colored People, 1991; Decide Who You Are, 1992; Out of Order, Out of Sight, Vol I: Selected Writings in Meta-Art, 1968-1992, Vol II: Selected Writings in Art Criticism, 1967-1992, 1996. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles, reviews, and art works to periodicals. Address: Department of Philosophy, Wellesley College, Founders Hall 320, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02481, U.S.A.

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