A Tale of Springtime

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A Tale of Springtime ★★½ 1989 (PG)

Comedy-romance is the first film in Rohmer's planned new series, the “Tales of the Four Seasons,” not to be confused with his “Six Moral Tales” or his “Comedies and Proverbs.” Centers around Jeanne, a high school philosophy teacher; Natacha, a young student; and Igor, Natacha's father. As characteristic of Rohmer films, texture and character largely overshadow linear plots and social messages. However, the efficiency and directness of his camera work make it a pleasure to watch. 107m/C VHS, DVD . FR Anne Teyssedre, Hugues Quester, Florence Darel, Eloise Bennett, Sophie Robin; D: Eric Rohmer; W: Eric Rohmer; C: Luc Pages; M: Robert Schumann.

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A Tale of Springtime

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