Trading Places

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Trading Places ★★½ 1983 (R)

Two elderly businessmen wager that environment is more important than heredity in creating a successful life, using a rich nephew and an unemployed street hustler as guinea pigs. Curtis is winning as a hookerwithaheartofgold who helps the hapless Aykroyd. Ofttold tale succeeds thanks to strong cast. Murphy's second screen appearance. 118m/C VHS, DVD, Bluray Disc . Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, Denholm Elliott, Paul Gleason, James Belushi, Al Franken, Tom Davis, Giancarlo Esposito, Kristin Holby, Stephen Stucker, Nicholas Guest, Robert Earl Jones, Bill Cobbs; D: John Landis; W: Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris; M: Elmer Bernstein. British Acad. ‘83: Support. Actor (Elliott), Support. Actress (Curtis).

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