Ury, Allen B.

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URY, Allen B.

URY, Allen B. American, b. 1954. Genres: Children's fiction, Plays/ Screenplays. Career: Public relations account executive, 1977-88; screenwriter, Costa Mesa, CA, 1985-. Screenplay analyst and lecturer, 1993-. Publications: CHILDREN'S BOOKS: The Hunt and More Fright with a Bite, 1996; A Fate Worse Than Death: More Fright with a Bite, 1996; Scary Stories for Sleepovers: Lost in Horror Valley, 1996; Scary Stories for Sleepovers: The Living Ghost, 1996; Scary Stories for When You're Home Alone, 1996; More Scary Stories for When You're Home Alone, 1996; Scary Mysteries for Sleep-Overs, 1996; More Scary Mysteries for Sleep-Overs, 1996; Duh! Heir Head and Other Stories Even Dumber Than "Dumb and Dumber," 1996; Duh! Brain, Brain Go Away, and Other Stories Even Dumber Than "Dumb and Dumber," 1997; Crawlers: Home Ick-o-Nomics and Other Tasty Tales, 1997; Still More Scary Stories for When You're Home Alone, 1997; Still More Scary Mysteries for Sleep-Overs, 1997; Even More Scary Mysteries for SleepOvers, 1997; Crawlers: The Roaches' Revenge, 1997; Scary Stories for Sleep-Overs: Tomb of Eternity, 1997. OTHER: The Jigsaw Murders (screenplay), 1988; Freddy's Nightmares: Killer Instinct (for television), 1988. Address: 625 Rhine Lane, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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