Gostuški, Dragutin

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Gostuški, Dragutin

Gostuški, Dragutin, Serbian composer and musicologist; b. Belgrade, Jan. 3, 1923. He studied art history at the Univ. of Belgrade (Ph.D., 1965), and also took courses in composition and conducting at the Belgrade Academy of Music. He subsequently was active as a music critic. In 1952 he was engaged as a member of the staff of the Musicological Inst. of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences; in 1974 he became its director. His works include a symphonic poem, Belgrade (Belgrade, June 11, 1951), Concerto accel-erato for Violin and Orch. (Belgrade, Nov. 14, 1961), a fantastic ballet, Remis (1955; 1st stage perf., Zagreb, May 15, 1963), chamber music, piano pieces, and songs.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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