Holmes, Ralph

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Holmes, Ralph

Holmes, Ralph, English violinist; b. Penge, April 1, 1937; d. Beckenham, Sept. 4, 1984. He studied with David Martin at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and later with Enesco in Paris and Galamian in N.Y. He made his London debut at a children’s concert of the Royal Phil. (1951), then won prizes at international competitions in Paris (1957) and Bucharest (1958). He pursued a successful career in England before making his U.S. debut with Barbirolli and the Houston Sym. Orch. at N.Y/s Carnegie Hall in 1966. In subsequent years, he toured widely. With Anthony Goldstone and Moray Welsh, he formed his own piano trio in 1972. He was a prof, at the Royal Academy of Music from 1964. His repertoire included all the major 20th -century concertos written for his instrument.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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