Lyrische Symphonie

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Lyrische Symphonie (Lyric Symphony). Zemlinsky's Op.18, being seven songs after poems by Rabindranath Tagore (b Calcutta, 1861; d Calcutta, 1941) in Ger. trans. by the composer, for sop., bar., and orch. Comp. 1922–3. 7 poems are: 1. Ich bin friedlos (I am restless), 2. Mutter, der junge Prinz muss an unsere Türe vorbeikommen (Mother, the young Prince is to pass our door), 3. Du bist die Abendwolke (You are the evening cloud), 4. Sprich zu mir Geliebter! (Speak to me, my love), 5. Befrei mich von den Banden deiner süsse Lieb! (Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my love!), 6. Vollende denn das letzte Lied und lass uns auseinandergehn (Then finish the last song and let us leave), 7. Friede, mein Herz (Peace, my heart). In the Lyric Suite, which is dedicated to Zemlinsky, Berg in the 4th movt. quotes the principal theme from No.3 of the Lyrische Symphonie, which occurs at the words ‘Du bist mein Eigen’ (‘You are my own’). F.p. Prague 1924, cond. Zemlinsky; f. Eng. p. 1977, BBC broadcast, cond. Süsskind.