Muffat, Gottlieb (Theophil)

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Muffat, Gottlieb (Theophil)

Muffat, Gottlieb (Theophil), distinguished German organist and composer, son of Georg Muffat; b. Passau (baptized), April 25, 1690; d. Vienna, Dec. 9, 1770. He most likely received his initial training from his father. By 1711 he was in Vienna, where he continued his education as a Hofscholar under Fux; later studied abroad. He was officially named court organist in 1717, his duties including performing for the Hofkapelle and serving as continuo accompanist for the opera. Later he became a teacher to the children of the royal family, and was made 2nd organist (1729) and 1storganist (1741), retaining the latter position until he was pensioned (1763). Muffat was a notable representative of the late Baroque era, producing a large body of fine keyboard music. He pubi. 72 Verseltsammt 12 Toccaten (besonders zum Kirchen-Dienst bey Choml-Aemtern und Vesperen dienlich) (Vienna, 1726) and Componimenti musicali per il cembalo, 6 suites and a ciaccona (Augsburg, c. 1739). His other works include 32 ricercari, 24 toccatas with 24 Capriccios, various other Capriccios, 19 canzonas, preludes, fugues, partitas, 2 organ masses, etc.


L. von Stollbrock, Die Komponisten Georg und G. M.(Rostock, 1888); J. Knoll, Die Klavier-und Orgelwerke Theophile (diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1916); S. Morris, G. M/s Clavier Suites (diss., Boston Univ., 1959).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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