Strauss, Johann I

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Strauss, Johann I (b Vienna, 1804; d Vienna, 1849). Austrian composer, conductor, and violinist, founder of the ‘Strauss Waltz Dynasty’, and known as Johann Strauss I to distinguish him from his son. Studied vn. and played va. in 1819 in Lanner's qt. With Lanner until 1825, when he began to compose his own waltzes. In 1826 appeared with 14-piece orch. at the ‘Swan’ in the Rossau suburb of Vienna and captivated public. With larger orch. engaged for 6 years at the ‘Sperl’, in the Leopoldstadt. Among those who heard him there were Chopin, Wagner, and Hans Christian Andersen. Also appointed Kapellmeister of first Bürger-regiment, responsible for mus. at court fêtes and dances. Toured Ger. and other parts of Europe from 1833. Visited London 1838, giving 72 concerts and playing at festivities in honour of Victoria's coronation. In 1840 introduced the quadrille to replace the galop. Successive tours were triumphal processions for Strauss. Visited Eng. again 1849, and died of scarlet fever shortly after return to Vienna. Comp. 251 works, 152 of which were waltzes, but his fame in this respect was eclipsed by his eldest son and his Radetzky March (1848) is by far the strongest survivor of his life's work.

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