Wise Virgins, The

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Wise Virgins, The. Ballet in 1 act by Walton, music being his arr. of 9 items from the church cantatas of J. S. Bach selected by Constant Lambert. Scenario based on parable of Wise and Foolish Virgins in St Matthew XXV. Comp. 1939–40. Choreog. by Frederick Ashton, designs by Rex Whistler. Prod. London (SW) 1940 with Fonteyn as the Bride. Orch. suite 1940, of 6 movts.: 1. What God hath done is rightly done (Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99); 2. Lord, hear my longing (Herzlich thut mich verlangen, BWV 727); 3. See what His love can do (Seht was die Liebe tat, from BWV 85); 4. Ah! how ephemeral (Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26); 5. Sheep may safely graze (Schafe können siche weiden, from BWV 208); 6. Praise be to God (Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott, from BWV 129).