Adams, Maurice Bingham

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Adams, Maurice Bingham (1849–1933). English architect, best remembered for his part in the making of Bedford Park, Chiswick, the artists' colony founded in 1875, where he designed several of the houses (illustrated in Artists' Homes (1883)), supervised the erection of Norman Shaw's Church of St Michael and All Angels, and designed the north aisle and parish-hall (1887). He was also responsible for the exquisite Chapel of All Souls, added to St Michael's in 1909. He designed several public libraries for John Passmore Edwards (1823–1911), the philanthropist. His work is generally in a free Arts-and-Crafts style. He was the author of Modern Cottage Architecture (1904).


M. Adams (1883, 1904);
A. S. Gray (1985);
Greeves (1975)

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