Congressional Record

views updated Jun 08 2018


CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, a daily, unofficial publication of the proceedings of the sessions of Congress. The Senate and House journals contain the official records. The Record prints not only the daily actions of each chamber but also a checked stenographic record of all remarks and formal debate. Congress has published this daily account of legislative action and opinion since 1873, before which three separate series of reports served a similar function. These three reports, Annals of Congress (1789–1824), Register of Debates (1824–1837), and Congressional Globe (1834–1873), were privately inspired and privately published with a consequently questionable accuracy.


Amer, Mildred. The Congressional Record: Content, History, and Issues. Washington, D.C.: 1993.

George C.Robinson/c. w.

See alsoCongress, United States .

Congressional Record

views updated May 21 2018


A daily publication of the federal government that details the legislative proceedings of Congress.

The Congressional Record began in 1873 and, in 1947, a feature called The Daily Digest was added to briefly highlight the daily legislative activities of each House, committee, and sub-committee.

The text of the Congressional Record is not a verbatim transcript of the statements made on the floor of the Senate or the House of Representatives. After obtaining permission from their respective Houses to do so, members of Congress can revise their speeches prior to publication in the Record and are permitted to extend their comments to include remarks not made on the floor of Congress.

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