Nelson, William, Jr.

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Nelson, William, Jr.

NELSON, WILLIAM, JR. (1756?–1813). Continental officer. Virginia. Of the Nelson family, he graduated from William and Mary in 1776 and returned as professor of law from 1803 until his death ten years later. He was a militia private in 1775 and on 29 February 1776 became a major in the Seventh Virginia Continentals. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on 7 Oct. 1776. He resigned his commission on 25 October 1777. He and his brother Robert were captured by Tarleton in June 1781 during the Charlottesville raid but were immediately released on parole. He admitted that he preferred reading to either the practice of law or overseeing his plantations and investments, and excelled only at reading.

SEE ALSO Charlottesville Raid, Virginia; Nelson Family of Virginia.

                          revised by Michael Bellesiles