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load·ed / ˈlōdid/ • adj. 1. carrying or bearing a load, esp. a large one: a heavily loaded freight train. ∎  (of a firearm) charged with ammunition: a loaded gun. ∎  (loaded with) containing in abundance or to excess: your average chocolate bar is loaded with fat. ∎  inf. having a lot of money; wealthy: she doesn't really have to work—they're loaded. ∎ inf. having had too much alcohol; drunk: man, did I get loaded after I left his house. ∎ inf. (of a car) equipped with many optional extras; deluxe: 1989 Ford 250 LXT: low miles, loaded.2. weighted or biased toward a particular outcome: a trick like the one with the loaded dice. ∎  (of a word, statement, or question) charged with an underlying meaning or implication: avoid politically loaded terms like “nation” the students fed him loaded questions on U.S. support of Cuba's dictator Batista.PHRASES: loaded for bearsee bear2 .