Iglesias, Miguel (1830–1909)

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Iglesias, Miguel (1830–1909)

Miguel Iglesias (b. 11 June 1830; d. 7 November 1909), provisional president of Peru (1884–1885). A wealthy landowner from the northern Peruvian department of Cajamarca, Iglesias was commander of Peruvian forces in the War of the Pacific (1879–1883). In August 1882, with Peru occupied by the Chilean army and beset by internal political divisions, Iglesias issued the Cry of Montán, in which he advocated pursuing peace with Chile even if it meant the loss of some Peruvian territory. In October 1882, he convened an assembly of northern Peruvian departments that proclaimed him supreme leader of the country.

Recognized as president of Peru by the Chilean government, Iglesias signed the Treaty of Ancón (October 1883), which ended the war between the two nations. Iglesias convened a constituent assembly in Lima that ratified the treaty and designated him provisional president of Peru (1 March 1884). General Andrés Avelino Cáceres immediately opposed the Iglesias government, and after a long and bloody civil war, his forces occupied Lima in December 1885. Iglesias renounced his claims to the presidency and left the country. He died in Lima.

See alsoAncón, Treaty of (1883); War of the Pacific.


Jorge Basadre, Historia de la República del Perú (1964), vol. 6, pp. 2619-2620.

Fredrick B. Pike, The Modern History of Peru (1967), esp. pp. 146-152.

Additional Bibliography

Leciñana Falconí, Carolina. La Guerra del Pacífico, 120 años después: diplomacia y negociación. Lima: Tarea Asociación Gráfica Educativa, 2004.

Stein, William W. El levantamiento de Atusparia. Lima: Mosca Azul Editores, 1988.

                                      William E. Skuban

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