Tejedor, Carlos (1817–1903)

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Tejedor, Carlos (1817–1903)

Carlos Tejedor (b. 4 November 1817; d. 3 January 1903), Argentine educator, journalist, lawyer, and politician of the national period. Born in Buenos Aires, Tejedor studied law at its university and graduated in 1837. His academic and judicial pursuits included appointments as professor of criminal and mercantile law at his alma mater in 1856 and government counsel two years later. Tejedor also edited the local El Nacional (1852). His greatest contribution, however, was in politics. An opponent of Juan Manuel de Rosas, the Federalist caudillo of Buenos Aires, Tejedor returned from Chilean exile after the dictator's overthrow in 1852. He later became a representative to the Buenos Aires provincial legislature (1853). Tejedor was also minister to Brazil (1875) and governor of Buenos Aires Province (1878–1880). As governor, he opposed federalization of the city of Buenos Aires, which was accomplished only after his defeat by General Julio Argentino Roca in the presidential election of 1880 and in the civil war that accompanied it. Tejedor justified his role in that bloody conflict by writing La defensa de Buenos Aires (1881). He died in the capital and his statue was erected in Palermo in 1909.

See alsoBuenos Aires; Roca, Julio Argentino; Rosas, Juan Manuel de.


Juan Silva Riestra, Carlos Tejedor: Su influencia en la legislación penal argentina (1935).

Ricardo Piccirilli, et al., eds., Diccionario histórico argentino, vol. 6 (1953–1954), pp. 586-587.

José Campobassi, Mitre y su época (1980).

Additional Bibliography

Castello, Antonio Emilio. Corrientes, Tejedor y la revolución de 1880: Liberales y autonomistas enfrentados en lo interior y exterior. Corrientes, Argentina: Moglia Ediciones, 2001.

Serrano, Mario Arturo. La capitalización de Buenos Aires y la revolución de Carlos Tejedor. Buenos Aires: Círculo Militar, 1995.

                                        Fidel Iglesias