Attah Zokher

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ATTAH ZOKHER (Heb. אַתָּה זוֹכֵר; "Thou rememberest"), opening words of the *Zikhronot section of the Additional Service of *Rosh Ha-Shanah. This prayer is designated as "Teki'ata de-Vei Rav," since its authorship is ascribed to the third century c.e. Babylonian amora*Rav. The prayer starts by emphasizing the character of Rosh Ha-Shanah as a "Day of Remembrance" from Creation onward. Ten verses from Scripture are quoted describing God as remembering His creatures, especially Israel. The prayer closes with the benediction: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who rememberest the Covenant."


Davidson, Oẓar, 1 (1924), 398.