Carp, Horia

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CARP, HORIA (Jehoshua ; 1869–1943), Romanian journalist. Born in Harlau, Carp received a medical degree from the University of Jassy. He became a member of the Zionist movement as a youth and from 1901 to 1904 edited the Romanian-language weekly Mevaseret-Zion. He also contributed to the Romanian press, and in 1911 edited the magazine Cultura. Devoting much of his activity to the Union of Romanian Jews, he founded in 1906 the weekly Curierul Israelit, which became its semiofficial publication. His published books include Ganduri faramate ("Tormented Thoughts," 1905), Suflete obosite ("Tired Souls," 1918), and Din vremuri de urgie ("From Wrathful Times," 1924), all on Jewish themes. Carp also translated Herzl's Altneuland (in 1918), Graetz's History of the Jews (in 2 vols., 1903), and Yiddish literature. He was a member of the Romanian Senate, but in 1941 was arrested and tortured by the legionnaires in the period of their rebellion. He eventually succeeded in making his way to Ereẓ Israel.

[Abraham Feller]

Carp's son, matatias carp (1904–1952), born in Bucharest, was a lawyer and secretary of the Union of Jewish Communities of Romania. From 1946 to 1948 he published Cartea Neagra ("The Black Book"), three volumes of documents about the suffering of Romanian Jews in the Holocaust (new edition 1996). He later immmigrated to Israel, where he died.

add. bibliography:

A. Mirodan, Dictionar neconventional, i (1986), 290–93; T. Goldstein, De la Cilibi Moise la Paul Celan (1996), 146–77; A.B. Yoffe, Bisdot Zarim (1996), 416–18.

[Lucian-Zeev Herscovici (2nd ed.)]