Irmhart, Öser

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Theologian; d. Augsburg, latter half of the 14th century. After studying law in Bologna (1335), he became pastor in Sankt Marein (southern Steiermark), Austria, and (c. 1340) in Strassgang near Graz. In 1358 he was promoted to a canonry at Augsburg Cathedral. He translated the works of the Spanish Dominican alfonsus bonihominis into Latin (1339). He also translated from Arabic into German a treatise concerning the true Messiah and His Second Coming, the work of Rabbi Samuel, a convert from Judaism who had lived in Morocco in the mid-11th century. Approximately 30 manuscripts of the works of Irmhart, mostly those from around the middle of the 15th century, are extant.

Bibliography: w. stammler, Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters, 1:671673. h. maschek, "Zur deutschen & Übersetzungsliteratur des 14. Jahrhunderts," Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 60 (1936) 320325 f. zoepfl, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 5:758.

[m. csÁky]