Korkis, Abraham Adolf

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KORKIS, ABRAHAM ADOLF (1865–1921), Polish Zionist. Born in Kamionka Strumiłowa, Galicia, Korkis studied law at the University of Lemberg, and was the chief clerk of the government Commerce and Industry Office for the province of Galicia. He began his Jewish Zionist activity as a student. When the first organization uniting all the nationalist associations and groups for settlement in Ereẓ Israel was established in Galicia (1892) and the first national organ in Polish, Przyszłość ("The Future") was founded, Korkis became head of the organization (intermittently until 1903) and editor of Przyszlosc. He participated in the First Zionist Congress and was elected to the Zionist General Council. He also published studies on economic matters. In 1918 he was among the founders of the Polish Zionist daily Chwila, published in Lwow.


L. Jaffe (ed.), Sefer ha-Congress (19502), 352–3; Haolam (April 23, 1942), 239. add. bibliography: N.M. Gelber, Toledot ha-Tenu'ah ha-Ẓiyyonit, 2 vols. (1958), index.

[Getzel Kressel]